Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Weekend

Let the cooking, candy shopping and birds chirping begin! Easter weekend is full of wonderful fun. We are going to enjoy the great outdoors tomorrow, cook Easter dinner and get ready to go to my sister-in-law's house on Sunday. Bill's whole family is gathering for Easter dinner, which means the house will be packed with children, laughter and FOOD! This week passed by so quickly, Sunday will be a great way to end Spring Break and get back into the swing of work and reality. I wish everyone a great Easter and pray that you remember the reason behind this holiday. If it wasn't for what our Lord did on that Easter morning, we wouldn't have the hope that we have now. Jesus, Saviour of the world, died for you and me, rose on the third day and is making a place in heaven for all who believe in Him. Have a blessed Easter.


  1. Because He lives...we have hope! Great post!

  2. Happy Easter to You too. Enjoy your time with the family. I'm so happy that others remember what Easter really is about!!!

  3. Happy Easter to You.

  4. Happy Easter from a Friday follower.

    I have a fantastic Farmers Market Cheesecake recipe you might like.


  5. Just found you through FF! Your blog is just adorable. As a side note, my parents tried for 8 years to have children and never could. 2 years later they adopted me at just 3 days old. :)

  6. Thank you for following me, I will definetly follow back as I find your blog wonderful!
    You are certainly in my thoughts and will now be in my prayers.:)
    Have a wonderful blessed Easter.

  7. Hi there! Stopping in to be your newest follower from Friday Follow! Hope you can swing by mine! Thank you for the reminder of the message!
    Happy Easter!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins
