Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I am in charge of the family reunion this year. We are having it near the city where I was born. It is exciting to see family that I haven't seen in a while. My cousins and I have been talking and planning for about a year now. It's strange how the responsibilities fall upon the next generation so quickly, but I am ready for the challenge. I am blessed to have a loving, caring family that wants to get together, wants to travel and have a day of fun, share memories, and bond with each other. We are all very different and have gone our own ways, but we always come back to the fact that we are family and are always there for each other. The older we get, the closer we get. I enjoy sitting up late talking to my cousins on facebook. I cherish the fact that we can be a part of each other's lives, even though we live in six different states. Family is very important, and it's not about bloodlines. It's about truly caring for each other, supporting each other and loving each other. We didn't choose to be family, but we have chosen to be friends.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rainy Days and Happy Husbands

The Spring rainy season has begun. This is my cue to begin Spring cleaning the house. We are slowly decluttering each room while we clutter the room set aside for our yearly yard sale. It feels good to get rid of things we do not need, even if I know my husband will replace it with new toys. Bill went to an auction this morning and sounded so happy when he called to tell me of his finds. He has been working a lot lately and needed a day of fun to renew. I'm glad he was able to have fun and I'm glad I was able to start spring cleaning. The little things that allow us to renew and take a new perspective on life are so important. When we are able to recharge our batteries and approach life from a happy, positive place, even though obstacles and struggles abound, it helps keep a clear perspective on life. I am going to enjoy the remainder of my weekend getting my head and house in order so we can look toward the future with positive thoughts. May you always look toward that silver lining and remember that He is in control. May you find joy in the simple things and put a smile on your face even when you feel like crying. May you reach out and give others a helping hand instead of feeling sorry for yourself. May Spring be a season of renewal, body, mind and spirit.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Friendships

Spring is my favorite time of year. I love when it begins to get warm, the birds begin to chirp and the flowers peek out for the first time in months. I love going outside and playing with the dogs, going for long car rides and enjoying the fresh air. Spring brings a feeling of newness, renewal, and I am beginning to feel renewed. I have to thank my wonderful friend Shelly for redoing my blog. By the way, do you like the new look? I'm really happy with how it looks and hope to continue to add to it in the future. True friends are hard to come by in today's world, but I am grateful I have some that have dedicated their time to help Bill and I achieve our dream of becoming parents. I hope that Spring leaves you feeling renewed and that you take the time to enjoy your friendships and thank them for all they do.